Staveley School Parliament
Here's a flavour of what our School Parliaments have been up.
- September 2023- First meeting - discussions regarding ideas for the Linnean Nature grant.
- October - Escorting visitors for school open afternoon, planting School Parliament hedge in school grounds, and sorting the Trussell Trust donations for Harvest festival.
- November - Organisation of Children in Need and Poppy selling for the Poppy Appeal.
- December - involved in interview process for new teacher applicants.
- January - discussions around activities for World Book Day
- February - Assembly for Lunar New Year.
- March - School of the Week, Your Harrogate Radio. Ramadam assembly.
- April - Interviewing prospective candidates. Passover assembly.
- September 2024 - Canvassing their peers to agree a school charity.

School of the Week - March 2024. Your Harrogate Radio Station.