Friendship Respect Compassion
Welcome to Oak Class - Miss Holberry
Years 1 and 2
We are a mixed age class of 18 Year 1 and 2 children. We are taught by MIss Holberry and Mrs Whittaker also works in our class every morning.
Curriculum Information
Keep up to date with what is happening in Oak Class each term.
Learning Information
Here you will find useful information to help you support your child with their learning in class.
Useful Websites
You may find some of the following websites helpful throughout the year.
What have we been doing?​
Our science visit to RHS Harlow Carr...'Who lives in our garden?'
First Aid Training
Hedge replacement
We went with our friends from the federation to the Mosque and Islamic Centre in York.
We became Vikings for a day at Murton Park!
Hands on learning to embed our Viking knowledge and to provide an amazing, memorable day for Oak Class and Willow Class from Kirk Hammerton.
Learning Outdoors...
Wildlife in our garden
Our wildlife camera has been very busy - day and night. We do our best to encourage as much wildlife as possible to enjoy our garden.